Faculty Info

Course Material Requisition Link: hiram.ecampus.com/adoptionform

For further questions and more information:
Phone: 330.569.5205
Email: johnskm@hiram.edu

The timely submission of your Course Material Requisitions helps us save students money by allowing us to order early and maximize the number of used books and rentals we can provide for students. Students are more likely to perceive the value of your required course materials when you make the course materials an integral part of your course by referring to them and testing from them. 

Course Pack & Copyright Clearance service is offered by the Bookstore. We will arrange to print your course packs and get copyright clearance as necessary for copyrighted content that you wish to include in your course pack. Please submit a bibliography of items needing copyright clearance and allow six to eight weeks for multiple citations needing copyright clearance. Clean master copies will expedite processing and lower the costs of scanning material. Contact Kelly Johns at 330.569.5205 johnskm@hiram.edu for details. 

Both links are from Copyright Clearance Center main Academic Resource Center

Desk Copies must be requested directly from the publisher. We DO NOT buy back complimentary desk copies of textbooks from faculty. If a textbook has been adopted to use on campus and you want a copy for yourself, ask the publisher if they will provide you with a DESK copy. If you want to preview textbooks from different publishers in order to make an adoption decision, ask the publisher for an EXAMINATION or REVIEW copy.

Tips For Course Material Adoptions

Some reminders when completing the course material adoptions:

1. The adoption history for your class (if the class was offered in the past year) will be shown in the adoption request email. 

2. In the ordering process, you have four choices for indicating your preference for book purchases. 

  • REQUIRED (absolutely necessary and you will use it in class),
  • RECOMMENDED (would be useful but not a requirement),
  • OPTIONAL (usually for study aids etc.), and
  • NO TEXT REQUIRED (Self explanatory).

Please consider students with accessibility needs when choosing course materials. Hiram College Bookstore works to meet the needs of all students. How you use the book in class is extremely important to students and to the bookstore in making buying decisions. Please note continuation/sequence classes so we do not over order. 

* Please take care to indicate the appropriate choice as this communicates to your students whether they are required to have the book or not.

3. If choosing a package that students will be required to purchase, please consider whether ALL COMPONENTS in the package will be used. 

4. If a class is a continuation or sequence class, please indicate that so we do not order books for the entire class again.

5. We would like to receive a copy of your syllabus. This will give us book usage information so we don't return your course materials too soon.

If you wish the bookstore to stock specific supplies (goggles, calculators, art supplies, graphing paper, additional recommended reading lists, etc.), it is helpful if you contact Kelly Johns and give her enough lead time to get the materials in. These materials can also be added to your online adoptions!